Safety Schemes in Procurement (SSiP)
An efficient, cost-effective and professional assessment process which has been approved by Safety Schemes in Procurement.
How will Clients & Principal Contractors benefit from outsourcing their contractor assessments to Greenlight Safety Assessment Scheme?
GAIN PEACE OF MIND. You’ll ensure you are compliant with current legislation and best practice in accordance with Construction (Design & Management) Regulations 2015 - Guidance 8.
IMPROVE YOUR WORKPLACE. You’ll reduce the likelihood of accidents/incidents or near misses by ensuring that the organisations you are employing are competent and aware of their responsibilities.
FREE UP MORE TIME. You’ll release your organisation from the assessment burden, enabling you to concentrate on other key business priorities.
Full Assessment: From £225 plus VAT
Deem to Satisfy: £100 plus VAT
Step 1 - We obtain all of the relevant information relating to your sub-contractors from your procurement department, and enable access for your representatives to our online portal system, a database of SSIP approved contractors.
Step 2 – We add the sub-contractor to the portal, upon which they are notified of the process with a comprehensive letter and the assessment questionnaire.
Step 3 - The sub-contractor then returns the completed assessment questionnaire with any required supporting documentation.
Step 4 – We carry out the assessment of their application against the industry standard. Upon approval, we update our portal, publically displaying them as approved as well as providing them with an approval certificate. If their first submission is not successful, they will be advised on the steps that need to be taken in order to achieve SSIP certification and assisted by one of our expert assessors.
Step 5 - We contact them when their insurances are due for renewal to ensure we always have a copy of their valid insurance documents.
Step 6 - The sub-contractor is then contacted by us on the eleventh month of the certification, to encourage re-completion of the assessment process, thereby ensuring they remain approved and eligible to tender for forthcoming works.” -
1. It will assist you in proving your competency when tendering for future works.
2. Other SSIP assessment schemes will recognise and accept our certification should a client request a particular SSIP certification.
3. The likelihood of accidents/incidents and near misses within your organisation will be reduced.
4. The assessment process will help to improve your company’s H&S management system. -
Principal Contractors and Contractors can become GSAS certified by following these few simple steps.
Step 1 - Click here to download our questionnaire. (If you already have an SSIP certificate, please click here for our Deem to Satisfy questionnaire instead.)
Step 2 - Return your completed questionnaire with your supporting documentation.
Step 3 - We then complete our assessment process. Should you fail to achieve approval, we will contact you explaining what you need to do in order to achieve certification with SSIP. Once you have been approved, we update our portal and send you a letter fully explaining the future process, a certificate valid for twelve months and an invoice. -
SSIP act as an umbrella organisation to facilitate mutual recognition between health and safety pre-qualification schemes. In turn this dramatically reduces the burden of re-assessments and the full cost of these processes. An organisation that has been approved by a founder or registered member of SSIP will be recognised and accepted by other members of SSIP should a client direct them to a particular assessment company.
Please call 01752 604713 for further information on how we can help manage your contractors.