Employers - Find Out How Greenlight Can Help You

Discover more about the funding you will receive as an employer when you take on an Apprentice

Apprenticeships we offer and what the funding looks like

Trade Duration Age 16 – 18 Age 19+
Bricklaying Level 2 27 Months £10,125 £9,125
Craft Bricklaying Level 3 21 Months £7,250 £7,250
Carpentry Level 2 27 Months £10,125 £9,125
Craft Carpentry Level 3 18 Months £6,625 £6,625
Dry Lining Level 2 27 Months £11,500 £10,500
Groundworks Level 2 21 Months £8,250 £7,250
Property Maintenance Level 2 27 Months £9,500 £8,500
Plastering Level 2 30 Months £10,750 £9,750
Roofing Level 2 27 Months £9,500 £8,500

Grants and Funding


    When you hire a new Apprentice, you will be automatically eligible for a £1,000 incentive payment from the government. This payment is paid to you in 2 halves. 50% is paid after 90 days from start of the Apprenticeship, and the remaining 50% is paid after 365 days.

    What you can use the payment for

    You can spend it on anything to support your organisation’s costs. For example, you could use it on uniforms, your Apprentice’s travel, or their salary. You do not have to pay the incentive back if the Apprentice leaves your organisation.

    How to apply

    You do not need to apply for this incentive - it will be automatically paid to you.

  • To be eligible for both the Attendance and the Achievement grants, you must be a CITB registered company. We can guide you through the process if you are not already registered. An attendance grant is payable up to the Apprentice’s last date in learning or the typical duration of the standard, whichever is earlier.

    You will receive £625.00 every quarter for the whole duration of the Apprenticeship. You will be eligible for attendance grants once your apprentice has completed 13 weeks of continuous contracted employment.

  • On completion of your Apprentice’s training, you will receive what is called an Achievement Grant. This is paid you by CITB. You usually receive your grant money within four weeks of submitting an application, if it is successful. Grants are paid by bank transfer. CITB’s achievement grants are £3,500 for companies whose Apprentice successfully completes their training.

    Please note: If you take an Apprentice on that is already part way through their Apprenticeship, the achievement grant will be worked out pro rata, meaning that you will only get a portion of the £3,500. This would be the same if the Apprentice leaves your company, you will receive a portion of the achievement grant.

  • In addition to all the above grants, we can also help you access up to £25,000 of CITB funding as a registered CITB company. Greenlight Training will manage and submit your application on your behalf, making things as streamlined and easy as possible for you.

    CITB-registered employers can apply for funding related to how many direct employees they have. It breaks down as follows:

    Employers with 1 to 49 directly employed staff can receive up to £5000.

    Employers with 50 to 74 directly employed staff can receive up to £7500.

    Employers with 75 to 99 directly employed staff can receive up to £10000.

    Employers with between 100 and 149 directly-employed staff can receive up to £15,000.

    Employers with between 150 and 199 directly-employed staff can receive up to £20,000.

    Employers with between 200 and 250 directly-employed staff can receive up to £25,000.

    The funding can be used to cover the total cost of grant eligible training courses. For more information, please contact our funding team on 01752 604713 (Plymouth) or 0117 4320 030 (Bristol).

    CURRENT CITB LEVY COSTS0.35% on payroll staff (including furlough payments made under the HMRC Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS)1.25% on CIS subcontractors who you make CIS deductions from (Net paid CIS)Proposed Levy rates for 2021 Levy Assessment are expected to be confirmed in May 2022


    If your total wage bill (payroll and Net CIS) is between £120,000 and £399,999 your organisation will receive a 50% reduction on your levy. This is called the ‘Small Business Levy Reduction’.

    Current Exemption for small businesses:

    If your total wage bill (payroll and Net CIS) is under £120,000, your organisation won’t have to pay the levy. This is called the ‘Small Business Levy Exemption’.

WANT MORE INFORMATION? Read our ‘Apprenticeship Information For Employers’ brochure - simply click to enlarge.